Truth & Reconciliation in Canada is a day to honour the children who didn't make it home from residential schools across Canada. It also honours the families and survivors, who suffer direct and intergenerational trauma.
Our knee-jerk reaction can be to act, to want to do something. At Synergy, we have learned that listening and understanding is the most important first act of Truth and Reconciliation. Eddie Charlie, a survivor of the residential school system, said "We must have the courage to share and the courage to listen". For our organization, having Indigenous Perspectives Training as a mandatory course for all new employees has deepened our understanding of the past. Our sister non-profit, the Synergy Foundation has worked with hundreds of small businesses through the Vancouver Island Green Business Program. This program was the first of its kind to add a Truth and Reconciliation action point for all businesses. We saw an opportunity to encourage other businesses to learn and commit to allyship. This program has developed a resource list for businesses. We encourage businesses of all types and sizes to explore this list.